Hi SomeDude,

I'm using "Siegfried Goeschl" for the "maybe-not-so-smart-questions" and it works quite well ... :-)


Siegfried Goeschl

SomeDude wrote:
Great thank you so much Siegfried. SomeDude is not my real name of course :)
I just need to be anonymous for when I ask "maybe-not-so-smart-questions".

I am almost done with chapter 1 from "Maven a Developer's Notebook" and then
I will start trying out your advice.

Thank you again :)

Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

Hi SomeDude,

Not sure if SomeDude is really your name ... I did such a thing for Maven 1 ...

+) you can explicitely define which reports should be generated - some of them use source code whereas some other use class files (JDepend)

+) best you start with a minimal report section

+) you can trigger the site generation using "mvn site" somewhere within the ant build

+) depending on the amount of tinkering you can also generate a Surefire report passed on your JUnit test


Siegfried Goeschl

PS: Good luck out there as fresh graduate ... :-)

SomeDude wrote:

I am very new to Maven and from the introductory reading that I have done
am starting to understand that if I were to use it in our projects I
have to replace our current build process. Here are my problems:

1) Boss wants me to see if Maven can be useful for us in the
process. He really likes the website feature.
2) Boss likes the way we build our projects since we have been using
ginormous ant scripts for years now. He will not change the build
3) Boss would not even consider messing with our current directory

My Question is:

Is there any way I could use Maven features like the website generation
report creation without having to interfere with the current project
structure and build process?

Sorry if my question is noobish, FreshGraduate!

Thanx guys.

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