although it may seem like it but ${} only translates to a path to your project's pom.xml content which is <project><organization><name>.

hope that helped,


kelvin goodson wrote:
I'm trying to fix my manifest to contain an Application-Vendor-Id. I'm using
the maven-osgi-plugin to create the manifest (this is stuff I have
inherited,  so don't assume I have expertise here)

I can see in my pom the following

                       <!-- content ........... -->
                        <!-- content ........... -->

and running this pom through mvn help:effective-pom translates this to

           <!-- content ........... -->
           <bundleVendor>Apache Software Foundation</bundleVendor>
           <!-- content ........... -->

There are two things I'd like to know ...
1)  I can't see a field in the documentation ( for the osgi
plugin to contain the application vendor id (I tried bundleVendorId).  Is
there a way to set this manifest property via the plugin?

2) I've done extensive recursive greps on my file system to find where the value of ${} is set, as I'd like to be able to handle the app vendor id value in a similar way to the app vendor, but I can't for
the life of me find it.  Can someone enlighten me regarding this piece of
maven magic please?

Regards, Kelvin.

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