Yep, as mentioned in previous email (10:48), I guess that unless all versions
and reports are the same across all modules, they should not be defined at
the common build level.

Thanks for your help.


ltheussl wrote:
> Ok, I just tried myself and it does work with beta-3. In rc1 we changed 
> the xml parser to solve a problem with entities [1], this is certainly 
> the cause of your issue.
> However, I don't really understand your problem, nor your questions. You 
> only have to define the 'module' (I guess you mean a sub-project, ie 
> part of a multiproject build?) specific settings in the pom of the 
> corresponding sub-project. In your case, you don't need any of the 
> <versions> or <reports> tags in the parent pom.
> Cheers,
> -Lukas
> [1]
> Benoitx wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thanks for your prompt answer, very appreciated.
>> 100% sure it works with 1.1-b3
>> (just done the upgrade and kaboom, it no longer works)
>> How would you define module specific versions and/or reports?
>> (ie one is a library, one is a pure jelly plugin, the reports should be
>> different)
>> For the version, different version and releases were used.
>> Is this no longer possible?
>> Thanks
>> Benoit
>> ltheussl wrote:
>>>Your pom contains duplicate entries of the <versions> and <reports> 
>>>tags. The error message is certainly misleading, but are you sure this 
>>>worked with beta-3?
>>>Benoitx wrote:
>>>>Hi *,
>>>>I have this problem with 1.1-RC1 but not with 1.1-beta3 (august).
>>>>When I try to compile, jar:install or any other goal a project which is
>>>>of a multi-project setup, I get the following exception:
>>>>Errors stack :
>>>>>>Error parsing project.xml
>>>>>>Duplicated tag: 'project'
>>>>Exception stack traces :
>>>>org.apache.maven.MavenException: Error parsing project.xml
>>>>        at
>>>>        at
>>>>        at org.apache.maven.MavenUtils.getProject(
>>>>        at org.apache.maven.MavenUtils.getProject(
>>>>        at
>>>>        at
>>>>        at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(
>>>>        at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(
>>>>        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>        at
>>>>        at
>>>>        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>        at
>>>>        at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(
>>>>Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: Duplicated tag: 'project'
>>>>        at
>>>>        at
>>>>        at
>>>>        at org.apache.maven.project.Project.<init>(
>>>>        at
>>>>        ... 13 more
>>>>C:\project\qalab\m1-common-build\project.xml does NOT contain <project>
>>>>Here is the common-build project.xml:
>>>>   <!-- the version of maven's project object model -->
>>>>   <pomVersion>3</pomVersion>
>>>>   <!-- a unique name for this project -->
>>>>   <!--    <id>qalab:qalab</id>-->
>>>>   <!-- a short but descriptive name for the project -->
>>>>   <artifactId>qalab</artifactId>
>>>>   <name>QALab Stats for Builds</name>
>>>>   <!-- The version of the project under development, e.g.
>>>>      1.1, 1.2, 2.0-SNAPSHOT -->
>>>>   <groupId>net.objectlab</groupId>
>>>>   <currentVersion>1.0-b1</currentVersion>
>>>>   <!-- details about the organization that 'owns' the project -->
>>>>   <organization>
>>>>      <name>ObjectLab Financial Ltd</name>
>>>>      <url></url>
>>>>      <logo>
>>>>      </logo>
>>>>   </organization>
>>>>   <!-- the year the project started -->
>>>>   <licenses>
>>>>      <license>
>>>>         <name>GNU General Public License</name>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>      </license>
>>>>   </licenses>
>>>>   <reports>
>>>>      <report>maven-faq-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-checkstyle-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-findbugs-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-pmd-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-simian-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-cobertura-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-qalab-plugin</report>
>>>>      <!--<report>maven-ydoc-plugin</report>-->
>>>>      <report>maven-jdepend-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-junit-report-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-jxr-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-changes-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-developer-activity-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-file-activity-plugin</report>
>>>>      <!--<report>maven-linkcheck-plugin</report>-->
>>>>      <report>maven-tasklist-plugin</report>
>>>>      <!--<report>maven-dashboard-plugin</report>-->
>>>>      <report>maven-license-plugin</report>
>>>>   </reports>
>>>>   <inceptionYear>2004</inceptionYear>
>>>>   <package>net.objectlab.qalab</package>
>>>>   <logo></logo>
>>>>   <description>
>>>>      This project collects data from several QA tools, like pmd,
>>>>      checkstyle, FindBugs, Cobertura and Simian and&#xD; keeps track of
>>>>      them overtime. This allows developers, architects and project
>>>>      managers alike to be presented&#xD; with a trend of the QA
>>>>      statistics of their project.
>>>>   </description>
>>>>   <!-- a short description of what the project does -->
>>>>   <shortDescription>
>>>>      QA Statistics aggregation and trend analysis.
>>>>   </shortDescription>
>>>>   <!-- the project home page -->
>>>>   <url></url>
>>>>   <issueTrackingUrl>
>>>>   </issueTrackingUrl>
>>>>   <siteAddress></siteAddress>
>>>>   <siteDirectory>/home/groups/q/qa/qalab/htdocs</siteDirectory>
>>>>   <distributionDirectory>
>>>>      /home/groups/q/qa/qalab/
>>>>   </distributionDirectory>
>>>>   <!-- the version control repository and http url for online access
>>>>      the connection element has the form:
>>>>      scm:<system>:<system specific connection string> -->
>>>>   <repository>
>>>>      <url></url>
>>>>      <connection>
>>>>         scm:svn:
>>>>      </connection>
>>>>      <developerConnection>
>>>>         scm:svn:
>>>>      </developerConnection>
>>>>   </repository>
>>>>   <versions>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.7</id>
>>>>         <name>0.7</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_7</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.7.1</id>
>>>>         <name>0.7.1</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_7_1</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.7.2</id>
>>>>         <name>0.7.2</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_7_2</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.8.0</id>
>>>>         <name>0.8.0</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_8_0</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.9.0</id>
>>>>         <name>0.9.0</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_9_0</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.9.1</id>
>>>>         <name>0.9.1</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_9_1</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>1.0-b1</id>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>   </versions>
>>>>   <!-- any mailing lists for the project -->
>>>>   <mailingLists>
>>>>      <mailingList>
>>>>         <name>QALab Announcements</name>
>>>>         <subscribe>
>>>>         </subscribe>
>>>>         <unsubscribe>
>>>>         </unsubscribe>
>>>>         <archive>
>>>>         </archive>
>>>>      </mailingList>
>>>>      <mailingList>
>>>>         <name>QALab Users</name>
>>>>         <subscribe>
>>>>         </subscribe>
>>>>         <unsubscribe>
>>>>         </unsubscribe>
>>>>         <archive>
>>>>         </archive>
>>>>      </mailingList>
>>>>      <mailingList>
>>>>         <name>QALab Developers (CVS checkins)</name>
>>>>         <subscribe>
>>>>         </subscribe>
>>>>         <unsubscribe>
>>>>         </unsubscribe>
>>>>         <archive>
>>>>         </archive>
>>>>      </mailingList>
>>>>   </mailingLists>
>>>>   <!-- who the developers are for the project -->
>>>>   <developers>
>>>>      <developer>
>>>>         <name>Marcin Jekot</name>
>>>>         <id>marchy</id>
>>>>         marcin at jekot DOt net
>>>>         <organization>ObjectLab Financial Ltd</organization>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>         <timezone>+0</timezone>
>>>>      </developer>
>>>>      <developer>
>>>>         <name>Dave Sag</name>
>>>>         <id>davsag</id>
>>>>         davesag at sourceforge dot net
>>>>         <organization>individual</organization>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>         <timezone>+1</timezone>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Java Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>      </developer>
>>>>      <developer>
>>>>         <name>Benoit Xhenseval</name>
>>>>         <id>benoitx</id>
>>>>         qalab at objectlab dot co dot uk
>>>>         <organization>ObjectLab Ltd</organization>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>         <timezone>0</timezone>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Founder</role>
>>>>            <role>Java Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>      </developer>
>>>>   </developers>
>>>>   <contributors>
>>>>      <contributor>
>>>>         <name>Paramjit Rehinsi</name>
>>>>         qalab at objectlab dot co dot uk
>>>>         <organization>ObjectLab Ltd</organization>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>         <timezone>0</timezone>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Java Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>      </contributor>
>>>>   </contributors>
>>>>   <!-- jar files the project is dependent on -->
>>>>   <dependencies>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>jfree</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>jfreechart</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>1.0.2</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>jfree</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>jcommon</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>1.0.5</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>xerces</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>xerces</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>2.4.0</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>xerces</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>xercesImpl</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>2.6.2</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>ant</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>ant</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>1.6.4</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>   </dependencies>
>>>>   <!-- build information for the project -->
>>>>   <build>
>>>>      <defaultGoal>qa:releasebuild</defaultGoal>
>>>>      <nagEmailAddress>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</nagEmailAddress>
>>>>   </build>
>>>>   <reports>...</reports>
>>>>And the project.xml in the directory I try to compile:
>>>>Am I use the extend correctly? Is this a bug?
>>>>   <extend>../m1-common-build/project.xml</extend>
>>>>   <!-- the version of maven's project object model -->
>>>>   <pomVersion>3</pomVersion>
>>>>   <!-- a unique name for this project -->
>>>>   <!--    <id>qalab:qalab</id>-->
>>>>   <!-- a short but descriptive name for the project -->
>>>>   <artifactId>qalab</artifactId>
>>>>   <name>QALab Stats for Builds</name>
>>>>   <!-- The version of the project under development, e.g.
>>>>      1.1, 1.2, 2.0-SNAPSHOT -->
>>>>   <groupId>net.objectlab</groupId>
>>>>   <currentVersion>1.0-b1</currentVersion>
>>>>   <!-- details about the organization that 'owns' the project -->
>>>>   <organization>
>>>>      <name>ObjectLab Ltd</name>
>>>>      <url></url>
>>>>      <logo>
>>>>      </logo>
>>>>   </organization>
>>>>   <!-- the year the project started -->
>>>>   <licenses>
>>>>      <license>
>>>>         <name>GNU General Public License</name>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>      </license>
>>>>   </licenses>
>>>>   <reports>
>>>>      <report>maven-faq-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-checkstyle-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-findbugs-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-pmd-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-simian-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-cobertura-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-qalab-plugin</report>
>>>>      <!--<report>maven-ydoc-plugin</report>-->
>>>>      <report>maven-jdepend-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-junit-report-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-jxr-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-changes-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-developer-activity-plugin</report>
>>>>      <report>maven-file-activity-plugin</report>
>>>>      <!--<report>maven-linkcheck-plugin</report>-->
>>>>      <report>maven-tasklist-plugin</report>
>>>>      <!--<report>maven-dashboard-plugin</report>-->
>>>>      <report>maven-license-plugin</report>
>>>>   </reports>
>>>>   <inceptionYear>2004</inceptionYear>
>>>>   <package>net.objectlab.qalab</package>
>>>>   <logo></logo>
>>>>   <description>
>>>>      This project collects data from several QA tools, like pmd,
>>>>      checkstyle, FindBugs, Cobertura and Simian and&#xD; keeps track of
>>>>      them overtime. This allows developers, architects and project
>>>>      managers alike to be presented&#xD; with a trend of the QA
>>>>      statistics of their project.
>>>>   </description>
>>>>   <!-- a short description of what the project does -->
>>>>   <shortDescription>
>>>>      QA Statistics aggregation and trend analysis.
>>>>   </shortDescription>
>>>>   <!-- the project home page -->
>>>>   <url></url>
>>>>   <issueTrackingUrl>
>>>>   </issueTrackingUrl>
>>>>   <siteAddress></siteAddress>
>>>>   <siteDirectory>/home/groups/q/qa/qalab/htdocs</siteDirectory>
>>>>   <distributionDirectory>
>>>>      /home/groups/q/qa/qalab/
>>>>   </distributionDirectory>
>>>>   <!-- the version control repository and http url for online access
>>>>      the connection element has the form:
>>>>      scm:<system>:<system specific connection string> -->
>>>>   <repository>
>>>>      <url></url>
>>>>      <connection>
>>>>         scm:svn:
>>>>      </connection>
>>>>      <developerConnection>
>>>>         scm:svn:
>>>>      </developerConnection>
>>>>   </repository>
>>>>   <versions>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>1.0-b1</id>
>>>>         <name>1.0-b1</name>
>>>>         <tag>1.0-b1</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.9.1</id>
>>>>         <name>0.9.1</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_9_1</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.9.0</id>
>>>>         <name>0.9.0</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_9_0</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.8.0</id>
>>>>         <name>0.8.0</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_8_0</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.7.2</id>
>>>>         <name>0.7.2</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_7_2</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.7.1</id>
>>>>         <name>0.7.1</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_7_1</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>      <version>
>>>>         <id>0.7</id>
>>>>         <name>0.7</name>
>>>>         <tag>QALAB_0_7</tag>
>>>>      </version>
>>>>   </versions>
>>>>   <!-- any mailing lists for the project -->
>>>>   <mailingLists>
>>>>      <mailingList>
>>>>         <name>QALab Announcements</name>
>>>>         <subscribe>
>>>>         </subscribe>
>>>>         <unsubscribe>
>>>>         </unsubscribe>
>>>>         <archive>
>>>>         </archive>
>>>>      </mailingList>
>>>>      <mailingList>
>>>>         <name>QALab Users</name>
>>>>         <subscribe>
>>>>         </subscribe>
>>>>         <unsubscribe>
>>>>         </unsubscribe>
>>>>         <archive>
>>>>         </archive>
>>>>      </mailingList>
>>>>      <mailingList>
>>>>         <name>QALab Developers (CVS checkins)</name>
>>>>         <subscribe>
>>>>         </subscribe>
>>>>         <unsubscribe>
>>>>         </unsubscribe>
>>>>         <archive>
>>>>         </archive>
>>>>      </mailingList>
>>>>   </mailingLists>
>>>>   <!-- who the developers are for the project -->
>>>>   <developers>
>>>>      <developer>
>>>>         <name>Marcin Jekot</name>
>>>>         <id>marchy</id>
>>>>         marcin at jekot DOt net
>>>>         <organization>ObjectLab Financial Ltd</organization>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>         <timezone>+0</timezone>
>>>>      </developer>
>>>>      <developer>
>>>>         <name>Dave Sag</name>
>>>>         <id>davsag</id>
>>>>         davesag at sourceforge dot net
>>>>         <organization>individual</organization>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>         <timezone>+1</timezone>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Java Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>      </developer>
>>>>      <developer>
>>>>         <name>Benoit Xhenseval</name>
>>>>         <id>benoitx</id>
>>>>         qalab at objectlab dot co dot uk
>>>>         <organization>ObjectLab Ltd</organization>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>         <timezone>0</timezone>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Founder</role>
>>>>            <role>Java Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>      </developer>
>>>>   </developers>
>>>>   <contributors>
>>>>      <contributor>
>>>>         <name>Paramjit Rehinsi</name>
>>>>         qalab at objectlab dot co dot uk
>>>>         <organization>ObjectLab Ltd</organization>
>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>         <timezone>0</timezone>
>>>>         <roles>
>>>>            <role>Java Developer</role>
>>>>         </roles>
>>>>      </contributor>
>>>>   </contributors>
>>>>   <!-- jar files the project is dependent on -->
>>>>   <dependencies>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>jfree</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>jfreechart</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>1.0.2</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>jfree</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>jcommon</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>1.0.5</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>xerces</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>xerces</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>2.4.0</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>xerces</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>xercesImpl</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>2.6.2</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>         <groupId>ant</groupId>
>>>>         <artifactId>ant</artifactId>
>>>>         <version>1.6.4</version>
>>>>         <type>jar</type>
>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>   </dependencies>
>>>>   <!-- build information for the project -->
>>>>   <build>
>>>>      <defaultGoal>qa:releasebuild</defaultGoal>
>>>>      <nagEmailAddress>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</nagEmailAddress>
>>>>      <sourceDirectory>src/main/java</sourceDirectory>
>>>>      <unitTestSourceDirectory>src/test/java</unitTestSourceDirectory>
>>>>      <unitTest>
>>>>         <includes>
>>>>            <include>**/*</include>
>>>>         </includes>
>>>>         <excludes>
>>>>            <exclude>**/</exclude>
>>>>         </excludes>
>>>>         <resources>
>>>>            <resource>
>>>>               <directory>src/test/java</directory>
>>>>               <includes>
>>>>                  <include>**/*.xml</include>
>>>>               </includes>
>>>>               <filtering>false</filtering>
>>>>            </resource>
>>>>         </resources>
>>>>      </unitTest>
>>>>      <resources>
>>>>         <resource>
>>>>            <directory>src/conf</directory>
>>>>            <includes>
>>>>               <include>*.properties</include>
>>>>               <include>**/*.gif</include>
>>>>            </includes>
>>>>            <filtering>false</filtering>
>>>>         </resource>
>>>>      </resources>
>>>>   </build>
>>>>Thanks a lot
>>>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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