jp4 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This seems like a big issue since our nightly builds usually run all of our
> unit and container test cases.  If we have to run the tests twice, it will
> almost double the build time which is already several hours.
> Is there any way to instrument without invoking the test cases?  It seems
> like you would want to clean, compile, instrument, test, install create site
> docs.  Has anyone found a workaround?

Hello John,

Nor sure it can help you, but following another discussion with
Vincent Massol, I have a better understanding of the problem and maybe
some beginning of a solution: The problem, is that if you follow your
standard cycle, you would end up with  a jar containing instrumented
files which is certainly not what you want. This is why clover (and
probably cobertura) plugin fork another lifecycle to run tests and
generate reports with instrumented class or source files.

A simple solution would be to "profile"  the coverage build: you could
then run two builds chained one on another, one with coverage
instrumentation on and tests run, and another without coverage and
tests. The problem still is that you need to modify coverage plugin
*not to fork*, but this may be simpler than modifying maven :-) 

my 50 cents,
OQube < software engineering \ génie logiciel >
Arnaud Bailly, Dr.

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