The maven dependency plugin is your friend:

You can also use a different goal of the same plugin to copy them
directly to the target location.


On 11/9/06, Steinar Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a script now that picks a lot of OSGi bundles I've built myself
from my local maven repository, and drops them into a directory
together with the eclipse runtime (as proposed earlier on this list),
that is used as the target location for eclipse plug-in development.

Now I need to distributes some 3rdparty OSGi bundles, and we have a
maven repository in the LAN for speeding up 3rdparty bundles, so
dropping the bundles there seems like the simplest way to distribute

My question is: what can I put in the top level pom.xml of the project
that builds our own OSGi bundles, that will pull in these bundles from
the company's central repository into developer's local repository.

The natural thing would be to just put in a <dependency> there, but I
worry that it might affect the OSGi plugins built here somehow.  The
OSGi plugin project doesn't really need these bundles.  It's the
eclipse run-time that needs them.

Perhaps a scope of runtime will work...?


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