Hi maven users,

I would like to setup a global environment with maven2 for two differents 
teams: development and integration/support team. 

The first one would describe their project with a pom.xml and access to the 
central and other public repositories trough a proxy (proximity) with no 
restrictions for the development.

In the integration phase, the support team would pickup the source and pom from 
a SCM tagged version and should be able to compile and package the project for 
two environments: staging and production (differents resources directory).
For those packages, the artifact and plugin repositories should be exclusively 
internals (another proximity repositories without remote peers). The contents, 
artifacts/version, of those repositories would have been submited by a 
dedicated validation process.

So my question: what is the best solution to setup such environements ? :
 -settings.xml with mirrors ? But in this case, everyone would acces to public 
repos, even the support team.
 -profiles : In pom.xml? Settings.xml ?
 -How could we detect missing or wrong version artifacts dependencies in the 
integration phase.

If you think I'm wrong with this architectur, please let me know :)

Thanks a lot for your answer for this too long questions :-' 


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