Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 11/22/06, Christian Goetze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In order to use the release plugin, I have to decide to go for it, and
call a particular source tree releasable. This may sound trivial, but it
isn't. How do I decide that?

We've been struggling with the same issue inside Apache, where our
policies require a vote on the actual artifacts that will be released.

I haven't seen anything recently, but last month we had a discussion
about changing the release process to include a "staging" or
"proposal" phase.

So it would be release:prepare, release:propose, then either
release:accept or release:clean

In between propose and accept is when your QA department would do
their work... and if accepted, the exact artifacts they've tested will
be promoted to the release repository.

This is I think where the problem is: if the "promotion" involves a rebuild, especially one where the source code changes - even if it's only the version string, then you have created uncertainty and devalued the testing effort of QA. That's why I want every build to be done as if it was a release, and only call something a release by granting access to it.

This design principle is fundamental in the build system into which I'm attempting to embed maven - hence my problem :)

Here's the thread:

Thanks for the link. I'll read it....

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