Aaron, did you ever find a solution for this? I'm trying to do the
same .. I would like to access an internal repository through one of

* https with basic auth on it
* https with a client side certificate
* ssh/scp with public key auth

None seem to be supported by Maven at the moment?


On 10/23/06, Aaron Metzger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
oching wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> You can use the maven-deploy-plugin to write to your repository using SSH
> for Maven 2.
> You can refer to these docs for more info:
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-deploy-ssh-external.html
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-deploy-ssh-external.html

I appreciate the tips but I think I stated my question poorly.
I know how to *deploy* using SSH.
What I did not see in the docs was a clear example of how to *retrieve*
using SSH (instead of HTTPS).

For example, I would like to use "extssh", "ssh", or "sftp" as the URL
protocol below.  Is this supported.

> <repositories>
>     <repository>
>       <id>my-repo1</id>
>       <name>your custom repo</name>
>       <url>extssh://x.com</url>
>     </repository>
> </repositories>

> I'm not sure if the site is updated though. If you want to get the latest
> docs, you can checkout the deploy plugin from here:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/plugins/trunk/maven-deploy-plugin
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/plugins/trunk/maven-deploy-plugin
> and execute "mvn site" to generate the plugin site.
> Hope this helps! :-)
> Thanks,
> Deng
> Aaron Metzger wrote:
>> I am evaluating Maven 2 VS Ivy and would prefer to adopt Maven 2 as a
>> complete build management system but have one hang up question.
>> I must set up a local secured repository for a portion of our software.
>> The majority of docs lead me to believe that I can publish to a
>> repository with SCP but can only read from the repository with HTTPS or
>> HTTP.  Is that true?
>> In the Wagon docs I see mention of SSH and SCP but it says that the use
>> of SSH to read from the repository is untested.
>> We have an existing SSH public key infrastructure in place and would
>> like to use the same SSH transport users and keys for both reading and
>> writing our Maven repository (and SVN access to) and don't want to have
>> to manage a separate set of users/passwords/keys for HTTPS.
>> Can someone point me to the docs that show how to use SSH/SCP for all
>> things Maven?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Aaron
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