Hi Graham,

we use this to pass an environment variable

  <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml" target="configure">
<property name="maven.test.skip" value="${maven.test.skip}" />

but you can also use the antlib for maven if you would like to acess more information from the pom


Siegfried Goeschl

Graham Leggett wrote:
Hi all,

A while back I stumbled upon a description of how to pass maven variables
through the antrun plugin into an ant build script. Now that I need the
functionality, I cannot find the description again.

Nothing I can find in the antrun plugin docs at
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-antrun-plugin/ describes how to do
this (that I can find).

More specifically, I want the ant script to have access to the
${pom.version} variable.

Does anyone have a link to a howto on how to do this?


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