
As far as NOT binding a goal to a phase is concerned, all you have to do is
configure the plugin and don't declare any execution.  In your case, instead
of placing <configuration> inside <execution>, place it directly under
<plugin>, and remove <executions> then you can explicitly invoke it using
`mvn antrun:run'.  You can verify the plugin configuration syntax at the pom
technical reference at
http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-model/maven.html#class_plugin .

As for the conditional execution, you may have been referring to profiles.
Specific parameters/properties passed through the command line may activate
a profile.  More details at
http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html .


On 3/30/07, Farrukh S. Najmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using maven-antrun-plugin in my pom to run a java program.
I do not need it to be tied to any phase.
All I need is to be able to run it on demand by specifying an
appropriate goal and some command line options using -D.

So far I am able make it work but only if it is tied to a phase. See my
pom at:


Ideally I wish it not be tied to a phase and instead tied to a task name
that I can invoke from the command line.
If it must be tied to a phase then I would like to have conditional
processing in the ant task
so that if certain required properties are not set in command line I can
simply skip the execution of
the core steps in the ant task silently.

I feel I am close. Any idea how to get the phase independent execution
and/or conditional execution?

Thanks in advance.


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