Chris Russell a écrit :

Can someone tell me what the following arguments do and why I would use (or remove) them:
--batch-mode --non-recursive

They are mvn arguments, run 'mvn -h' and you'll see all arguments.

-B,--batch-mode               Run in non-interactive (batch) mode
-N,--non-recursive            Do not recurse into sub-projects

So with these options continuum will build only the top level project (not 
sub-modules child1, child2...) in a non-interactive mode when you launch a 
build on top-level project.

In my project I have one parent pom and 4 child poms:

top level
--- child 1
--- child 2
--- child 3
--- child 4

I'm not sure which parameters I should have on each project.

Default parameters set by continuum are good. But in some case, users want to 
build the top-level project with child modules in the same build, in this case, 
they remove --non-recursive argument
And continuum will build top-level with modules, child1, child2, child4

Also, everything is working great when I hit the "Build All" button. I'm trying to get things working via the Scheduled runs.

the scheduled run work in the same way and the schedule is pre-configured to 
run every hours.


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