On 4/3/07, Doug Tanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do you include commons JSPs in multiple wars?  We have a common
module that produces a jar instead of a war, but I need to include all
the JSPs in this module in all my other webapps.  I tried using the
<resource> tag, but that places the files in WEB-INF/classes.  Is there
another tag that I am missing from the documentation?

There's no way to 'pass' those jsp to your 'war' projects from within
'jar' project (at least I do not know such a way).
But you may change packaging of your 'shared' project from 'jar'
to 'war'. Then this 'shared' war will contain all required jsp files
and compiled classes, under WEB-INF/classes.
Then, for your 'war' projects maven will include all of this (both
classes and jsp files) in created war and that will be, what are
you looking for,


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