Traditionally, Maven regards the repository as a database for artifacts.
This means that anything in the repository is meant to be reachable by
Maven. Having said that, most repositories live on some sort of webserver
somewhere, which means the Maven repository is usually just a directory
structure on that webserver...which leads me to my real point:

The intention with all of this was that Maven would index/name artifacts the
way it needed to in order to retrieve them when they're in the repository.
The finalName configurations are preserved in the POM, which is deployed
alongside the artifact. So, anyone who requires an artifact to comply with
its configured finalName should have the appropriate plugins in place during
their build (or whatever) to copy the artifact out of the repository system
into a different directory with the finalName-compliant file name. Now, if
you have no intention of accessing these custom-named files from Maven, why
deploy them to a Maven repository? Why not deploy them *alongside* the Maven
repository on the same webserver? This wouldn't be done using the typical
deployment mechanism, but rather a custom plugin that would just push the
file (I'm assuming you don't need the POM, either) to the appropriate
location, either locally or remotely.

In other words, try not to bend the Maven repository to your external needs.
If you can't work with its format, perhaps you'd be better off constructing
your own directory/file structure alongside the repository?



On 4/11/07, Michael Dick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm not insisting on it either. The artifacts were deployed automatically
when we deploy the parent project. As far as I know we don't need them in
the repository though. I'll have to take a closer look.

Thanks for your help.

On 4/11/07, Alan D. Salewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 09:45:17PM +0200, Heinrich Nirschl spake thus:
> *snip*
> > On 4/11/07, Alan D. Salewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Maybe we need an attribute for 'finalName' that indicates "yes I know
> > >this name will not be accessible by maven once installed or
> > >when set maven would deploy the file as named.
> >
> > Why insist to put something into a *maven* repository if there is no
> > intention to access it by maven? Wouldn't it be more useful to be able
> > to publish to a different place? I don't know, if there already is a
> > plugin achieving that, but it would not be too hard to build.
> >
> > Henry
> I'm not insisting on it; in fact, I like your idea much better ;-)
> Our current practice of deploying all of our artifacts to our internal
> maven repository came about because the infrastructure was already in
> place and accessible by everyone who needed access to the artifacts.
> Now that you mention it, though, it would make sense to have an
> arbitrary deployment plugin. There is precedence for this with other
> specialized deployment plugins (cargo, tomcat, probably others).
> -Al
> --
> :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
> ::
> Alan D. Salewski
> Software Developer
> Health Market Science, Inc.
> :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
> ::
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-Michael Dick

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