I'd stay away from Archiva for now, until it gets a little more mature. From
experience I suggest Proximity (I've used all 4... it's the most mature).
Also, point your central repos to http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 ... that's
the "official" central. Of course, it's not a bad thing to use mirrors, but
ibiblio can get flaky.


On 4/21/07, Kalle Korhonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Started with Maven1 or Maven2? I assume maven2, in which case your
configuration (the default is for Maven 1) http://www.ibiblio.org/maven is
wrong - it's http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2 and it's enough to throw off
maven-proxy. Happened to me more than once. maven-proxy works fine for
Maven2, but you may also consider the alternatives: proximity, artifactory
and archiva.


On 4/20/07, Marcos Chicote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> The last few days I have been reading about maven and how it can help me
> in my job.
> I have succesfuly installed codehaus eclipse plugin and i have
> dependencys for my projects (connection to internet works fine).
> The next step was to create a network repository so that co-workers and
> could share the jars that we download from the internet and have less
> when in need of a jar.
> I THINK I have configured maven-proxy ok but I DONT think its working
> correctly.
> This is what I did:
> 1) Downloaded maven-proxy and the config file
> 2) Adjust config file to my needs.
> 3) Start maven-proxy.
> After that I started to try to configure the eclipse plugin so that it
> uses my repository. To do that I had to copy the conf.xml file from
> folder to the root of my local repository and I added the following
>          <mirror>
>                 <id>maven-proxy</id>
>                 <name>Maven-Proxy Mirror</name>
>                 <url>http://j2eedesar3:9999/repository</url>
>                 <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>         </mirror>
>         <mirror>
>                 <id>maven-proxy</id>
>                 <name>Maven-Proxy Mirror</name>
>                 <url>http://j2eedesar3:9999/repository</url>
>                 <mirrorOf>snapshots</mirrorOf>
>         </mirror>where j2eedesar3 is the name of the machine where
> maven-proxy is running.When I view maven-proxy's log I see the requests
> made from my machine to maven-proxy but I in the filesystem I don't see
> downloaded jars.
> Can anybody help me?
> At the end of this mail a copy my maven-proxy config file.
> Thanks!!
> Marcos
> ################ GLOBAL SETTINGS
> # This is where maven-proxy stores files it has downloaded
> repo.local.store=C:\\MavenRepo
> #The port to listen on - not used if loaded as a webapp
> port=9999
> #This is the base area that all files are loaded from. While it is
> possible to leave this blank, this behaviour
> #is deprecated and will be disabled in version 2.0.  There are too many
> namespace conflicts caused by not using
> #a prefix.
> #The repository will be shown at http://localhost:9999/repository/
> #for the .war loaded into a webapp server, the default prefix is
> "repository" (edit the web.xml to change)
> # As maven doesn't like a trailing slash, this address shouldn't have
> either.
> prefix=repository
> #This is the simple date format used to display the last modified date
> while browsing the repository.
> lastModifiedDateFormat=yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
> ################ SNAPSHOT HANDLING
> #If you want the proxy to look for newer snapshots, set to true
> snapshot.update=true
> ################ M2 METADATA HANDLING
> #If you want the proxy to prevent looking for newer metadata, set to
> (default is true)
> #metadata.update=false
> ################ M2 POM HANDLING
> #If you want the proxy to look for newer POMs, set to true (default is
> false)
> pom.update=true
> ################ PROMOTION HANDLING
> #Promotion describes the process by which new artifacts are loaded to
> global maven-proxy repository.  It
> # is designed to be used by "higher security installations" that do not
> want to acquire artifacts from
> # remote repositories without approval.
> #
> #If promotion handling is enabled, then the proxy will not download
> artifacts without permission
> # (local repositories with copy=false are considered to be local)
> #
> #Permission to download is granted via the Promotion menu which will be
> enabled
> #  when promotion handling is enabled.
> #
> #If promotion is false, artifacts are sourced from any repository as per
> normal.
> #
> #Promotion and snapshots:  If promotion is enabled, snapshots are not
> downloadable.  The concept of using
> # a snapshot in a production build (which is primarily what promotion is
> for) is counterintuitive.
> ##
> promotion=false
> ################ WEB INTERFACE
> # This defines the absolute URL the server should use to identify
> # This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you
> # it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
> # The prefix will be added to this for the actual repository
> # i.e. proxy available at http://localhost:9999/, repository at
> http://localhost:9999/repository
> serverName=http://localhost:9999
> #If true, the repository can be browsed
> browsable=true
> #If true, the repository can be searched
> searchable=true
> #Not currently implemented. Will allow webdav access to the repository
> some point.
> webdav=true
> #Stylesheet - if configured, will override the default stylesheet
> with maven-proxy - absolute URLs only
> #eg.  /maven-proxy/style.css, http://www.example.com/style.css
> stylesheet=C:\\MaveRepo\\maven.css
> #bgColor / bgColorHighlight are replaced in the built in stylesheet to
> produce a simple color scheme.
> #If a stylesheet is set, these are not used.
> bgColor=#14B
> bgColorHighlight=#94B
> #rowColor / rowColorHighlight are replaced in the built in stylesheet to
> produce a simple color scheme.
> #If a stylesheet is set, these are not used.
> rowColor=#CCF
> rowColorHighlight=#DDF
> ################ PROXIES
> #This is just a hack, it should auto discover them
> #proxy.list=one,two,three
> #Unauthenticated proxy
> #proxy.one.host=proxy1.example.com
> #proxy.one.port=3128
> #Authenticated proxy
> #proxy.two.host=proxy2.example.org
> #proxy.two.port=80
> #proxy.two.username=username2
> #proxy.two.password=password2
> #Authenticated proxy
> #proxy.three.host=proxy3.example.net
> #proxy.three.port=3129
> #proxy.three.username=username3
> #proxy.three.password=password3
> ################# REPOSITORIES
> #This is not just a hack, it specifies the order repositories should be
> checked
> #Note that the proxy adds a "/" which is why the urls aren't suffixed
> a "/"
> repo.list=local-repo,www-ibiblio-org,dist-codehaus-org
> #local-store
> # The local store represents a location that local jars you host can be
> located.
> # This could also be achieved by having a local http repository, but
> is less cumbersome
> repo.local-repo.url=file:///C:\\MavenRepo\\
> repo.local-repo.description=Repositorio Maven Compartido
> #If copy is true, jars are copied from the store to the proxy-repo. Only
> configurable for file:/// repos
> repo.local-repo.copy=false
> #If hardfail is true, any unexpected errors from the repository will
> #the client download to fail (typically with a 500 error)
> repo.local-repo.hardfail=true
> #Don't cache a file repository
> repo.local-repo.cache.period=0
> #www.ibiblio.org
> repo.www-ibiblio-org.url=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven
> repo.www-ibiblio-org.description=www.ibiblio.org
> repo.www-ibiblio-org.proxy=one
> repo.www-ibiblio-org.hardfail=true
> #Cache this repository for 1 hour
> repo.www-ibiblio-org.cache.period=3600
> repo.www-ibiblio-org.cache.failures=true
> #dist.codehaus.org
> repo.dist-codehaus-org.url=http://dist.codehaus.org
> repo.dist-codehaus-org.proxy=two
> repo.dist-codehaus-org.hardfail=false
> repo.dist-codehaus-org.cache.period=3600
> repo.dist-codehaus-org.cache.failures=true
> #snapshots.maven.codehaus.org
> #If hardfail is true, any unexpected errors from the repository will
> #the client download to fail (typically with a 500 error)
> repo.snapshots-maven-codehaus-org.hardfail=false
> #Cache this repository for 1 hour
> repo.snapshots-maven-codehaus-org.cache.period=3600
> repo.snapshots-maven-codehaus-org.cache.failures=true
> #If a Proxy is needed, which one?
> #repo.dist-codehaus-org.proxy=one

Eric Redmond

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