How did you "use the release plugin"? Unless I'm mistaken, proper use
of the plugin will result in a release being generated with fixed
version number, commit to SCM, then poms updated back to SNAPSHOT and
committed to SCM again.

I'm not currently using the release plugin myself so I'm not positive.
But I'm about to start using it, and this is what I expect based on my
reading of documentation and emails on this list thus far.


On 4/26/07, Crossley, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I used the release plugin to successfully release version of our
project.  We continued working on the HEAD targeting version 2.0.3 while
QA tested  To address bugs reported against that release, we
created a 2.0.2 branch in CVS.  We applied our fixes there.

Now it's time to create version from that 2.0.2 branch.  When I
attempt to run release:prepare, it immediately fails because the version
is not a SNAPSHOT.  Of course it's not a snapshot.  It's a released
version requiring bug fixes.

What did I do wrong?  Is the maven release model such that releases are
only ever cut from the HEAD?  How do you account for
"bugfixes-without-new-features" then?

Do I need to manually update the versions of all the subprojects myself
and then manually tag it?  It seems kinda silly to change all the
versions to just so I can have the release plugin
change them to!  I may as well do that myself and eliminate the
middle man, right?

Having the release plugin automatically update all the versions of my
multi-module project is a beautiful thing.  It seems kind of arbitrary
to me that the feature only works when the existing version contains the
suffix, "-SNAPSHOT", doesn't it?


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