Hi Danny,

Im not sure this is exactly what you want but, if you have an inhouse
repo, like proximity[1],  you can deploy your vendor jar to that and
include custom pom[2] that has its dependencies configured. This will
allow you to have just the one jar as a dep of your project, but when
maven downloads it it will pull in all the other deps as specified in
the pom. I dont know if this can be done with your local repository
via the install:install-file goal.


Ben Short

[1] http://proximity.abstracthorizon.org/
[2] http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-remote.html

On 4/26/07, Danny MacMillan

I am developing a project using a jar supplied by a vendor.  Their jar
depends on all kinds of other jars, like activation.jar, etc.  I can
easily install those other jars into my repository following the
instructions in the Guide to installing 3rd party jars.  But how do I
install the vendor supplied jar in such a way that gives me the
advantage of transitive dependencies?  That is to say, I want my project
to directly depend only on their jar, not all those other jars.

Danny MacMillan

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