I'm guessing you're running the assembly either as a standalone goal, or
somewhere before the package phase of the lifecycle. Am I right?

IIRC, the error you're seeing stems from the decision not to make the
assembly:assembly goal @execute phase="packaging" but I can't remember for
sure. If you want to fix it using assembly;assembly, try:

mvn package assembly:assembly

Otherwise, you might want to try binding the assembly into the lifecycle,
after the package phase using the assembly:single mojo, then call:

mvn <phase>



On 5/23/07, Maria Odea Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Could you provide more info?
Can you post more snippets from the assembly xml file and from your pom?


Rodrigo Madera wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been struggling with the maven-assembly-plugin because of a
> problem that seems to have been around for some time (or so I
> understood).
> My project structure is:
> - peanuts<pom>
>        - charlie<jar>
>        - snoopy<jar>
>        - linus<pom>
>                - linus-core<jar>
>                - linus-blanket<jar>
> The problem is that the include on the peanuts-assembly.xml is not
> being recognized:
> peanuts-assembly.xml:
> ...
>        <include>com.test.peanuts:charlie</include>
> ...
> Gives me this:
> $ mvn package
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Failed to create assembly: Artifact:
> com.test.peanuts:charlie:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT (included by module) does
> not have an artifact with a file. Please ensure the package phase is
> run before the assembly is generated.
> Does anybody actually know what is going on?
> I already memorized the entire documentation, so you guys are my only
> hope!!
> Thanks,
> Rodrigo Madera
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John Casey
Maven Developer (http://maven.apache.org)
Blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/buildchimp

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