I am having difficulty understanding how the site-deploy decides what url to use for the site deployment...

I have my parent pom of all my projects set up like this:

         <name>Nanometrics Software Website</name>

But when the deploy actually happens, I get the following behaviour:
1) For the parent pom itelf (artifactId=common-pom), I get the correct directory: /disk1/software/sites/common-pom/ 2) For child projects (artifactId=range), I get /disk1/software/sites/range/range/ 3) For another project which itself a pom (artifactId=web-common-pom), it deploys to /disk1/software/sites/web-common-pom/web-common-pom/ 4) For child projects of the 2nd level parent pom (artifactId=configuration), it deploys to /disk1/software/sites/configuration/web-common-pom/configuraion/

Very strange. Any idea why the ${project.artifactId} is not working properly, or is it the site plugin doing something funny to modify the url setting? For the #2 case, it would seem that the site plugin automatically appends the artifactId to the URL, but it does not happen for the pom project itself. Not consistent at all.
Thanks in advance,


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