On Jun 6, 2007, at 8:01 AM, Ben Rohlfs wrote:

Thanks Jo, it works indeed, but ...

... the root of the problem was that I started assembly:assembly from
the parent project and not the project itself. From the parent you may
want to arbitrarily combine modules, which the moduleSet seems to be

My experience leads me to the conclusion that the <format> JAR cannot
be applied to a <moduleSet> meaningfully.

I don't understand why you say moduleSet and the jar format cannot work together. moduleSet's can contain configuration for both module source files (using fileSets), and module binaries (using dependencySet, etc.). Binaries can be unpacked and organized in almost any way you can imagine, using outputDirectory and outputFileNameFormat.

Again, the key to getting your module classes into the directory you like is the combination of outputDirectory and outputFileNameFormat. It was an oversight in 2.2-beta-1 to allow outputFileNameFormat to influence expanded directories by default, but it is possible to do what you want nonetheless.


John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org
blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/john

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