
I'm a bit unhappy with Maven's dependency conflict resolution (as of 2.0.6
at least), which results in surprising "version downgrades", multiple
versions of the same dependency, and other unpleasant effects. Example: a
WAR project depends on commons-configuration:1.4, which has these

 -> commons-collections:3.2
 -> commons-jxpath:1.2
     -> commons-collections:2.0

As a result, both versions of commons-collections (2.0 AND 3.2) are
silently included in the WAR's WEB-INF/lib folder, which is obviously bad.
What's more, the "site" dependencies report for the project lists 2.0
*only*, ignoring 3.2. One can work around this problem using
dependencyManagement to force the 3.2 version, but it takes some time
finding out what the problem is in the first place.

At the very least, I would like to get a very obvious warning when
something like this happens. The dependency convergence report is helpful
(though it doesn't work on single project builds?), but this should really
be part of the regular build's output. Is there any existing functionality
for getting a notification of dependency version conflicts?



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