I'm currently looking into the NAR plugin from the FreeHEP site
(http://java.freehep.org/freehep-nar-plugin/), and have some questions
regarding the use of this plugin.
I'm building a JNI-library from a Java class, on a x86-Windows platform.
Currently I have two issues:
1. When I use Microsoft C++ compiler and linker (msvc), I can build my
project from the Visual Studio 2005 commandline window, but not from any
command window, neither from within the Netbeans (v5.5.1) IDE I'm using.
Any ideas why ?
2. When I use the g++ compiler, the NAR-plugin doesn't seem to find the
C++ source file to compile. I get "0 total files to be compiled":
[INFO] [freehep-nar:nar-javah]
[INFO] Running javah compiler on 1 classes...
[INFO] [freehep-nar:nar-compile]
[INFO] Project base dir set to: C:\Documents and
[INFO] 0 total files to be compiled.
[INFO] Starting link (3.4.4 -shared -lstdc++ -shared-libgcc)
[INFO] gcc -shared -o liblinemodel-1.0-SNAPSHOT.so -lstdc++
[INFO] [resources:testResources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
Finally, my C++ implementation of the JNI library is dependent on a
third party DLL (or LIB) not found in any repository. Where in the
directorystructure should I place this DLL (or LIB) for the C++ linker
to find it and include it ?

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