ejb-jar.xml is not a "source" (source are for things like java code), this
is a "resource". You would put it under src/main/resources/META-INF/ejb-

Alternatively, you can override the default resources directory:

       <!-- Where non-compiled files reside (such as .properties file).
They are put into the outputDirectory -->

Note that this is usually frowned upon - if you can at all use the default,
do it. It will make your entire Maven experience much simpler to do so, and
will also make it easier for you to find help on important problems - since
others have the same layout.

On 6/15/07, Gonzalo Vásquez Sáez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't generate the JAR for an ejb using maven

I do have my META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file under the directory specified under
/project/build/sourceDirectory (as if it were an xpath expression), this
an extract:


so the ejb-jar.xml is in /ejbmodule/META-INF directory

what is the proper path to place that file? how can I override that

Eric Redmond

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