The IDEA plugin is supposed to automatically remove the exclusion of the
target directory if any of the generated sources is located beneath it.  Its
in Jira:

On 6/30/07, Frederick N. Brier <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I followed the link you provided.  Please correct me if I am wrong, but
the capability in Maven 1 IDEA plugin to turn off exclusion of the
target directory tree is missing.  So is the mechanism to mark the
xmlbeans generated source directory as an IDEA source directory.  Unless
the "wildcardResourcePatterns" is also supposed to be used for
specifying source...?  Oh, and while I did not know that the properties
to do so were not utilized in the 2.1 version, I was setting those
properties in the properties section of the pom.xml.  Should I try and
specify a different directory for the generated source that is outside
of target?  Then try the wildcardResourcePatterns element?  Thank you.


Dennis Lundberg wrote:
> 2.1 is the latest version of maven-idea-plugin for Maven 2. Please
> read the documentation for this version here:
> You referenced properties in your first mail. Those only work in the
> IDEA plugin for Maven 1. The Maven 2 plugin is configured *only* in
> your pom.xml file. See the docs for more info on how to configure it.
> Frederick N. Brier wrote:
>> Maven 2.0.6
>> Dennis Lundberg wrote:
>>> Are you using Maven 1 or Maven 2?
>>> Frederick N. Brier wrote:
>>>> I am trying out AppFuse 2.0M5 on a new project.  I am trying to
>>>> integrate XmlBeans into the build.  I set the properties for the
>>>> IDEA Maven2 plugin.  When I run the IDEA target it does not include
>>>> the generated sources directory.    I open the Module Settings for
>>>> the project and the exclude is still there and the xmlbeans-source
>>>> directory is not tagged as a source directory.  The result is that
>>>> IDEA is showing errors in my code for unresolved references.  The
>>>> following excerpts are from my pom.xml:
>>>>         <plugin>
>>>>            <groupId> org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>>>>            <artifactId>xmlbeans-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>            <executions>
>>>>               <execution>
>>>>                  <goals>
>>>>                     <goal>xmlbeans</goal>
>>>>                  </goals>
>>>>               </execution>
>>>>            </executions>
>>>>            <inherited>true</inherited>
>>>>            <configuration>
>>>>               <schemaDirectory>src/main/xsd</schemaDirectory>
>>>>            </configuration>
>>>>         </plugin>
>>>>         <plugin>
>>>>            <artifactId>maven-idea-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>            <version>2.0</version>
>>>>            <configuration>
>>>>               <downloadSources>true</downloadSources>
>>>>               <downloadJavadocs>true</downloadJavadocs>
>>>>               <dependenciesAsLibraries>true</dependenciesAsLibraries>

>>>>               <useFullNames>false</useFullNames>
>>>>            </configuration>
>>>>         </plugin>
>>>> The latest version of the IDEA plugin listed on the plugin web page
>>>> is 1.7
>>>> [].
>>>> Yet the version 2.0 generated by AppFuse works fine..
>>>>       <dependency>
>>>>          <groupId>xmlbeans</groupId>
>>>>          <artifactId>xbean</artifactId>
>>>>          <version>2.2.0</version>
>>>>          <scope>compile</scope>
>>>>       </dependency>
>>>> In the appropriate places.  For some reason using version 2.3.0
>>>> does not fetch the .jars, but that is another issue.
>>>> I added the generated sources directory for JavaDoc:
>>>>         <plugin>
>>>>            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>>>            <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>            <configuration>
>>>> <sourcepath>${};${}/xmlbeans-source</sourcepath>
>>>>               <links>
>>>>                  <link>
>>>>                  <link> </link>
>>>> <link>
>>>> <link></link>
>>>> <link></link>
>>>>                  <link></link>
>>>> <link> </link>
>>>> <link></link>
>>>>               </links>
>>>>            </configuration>
>>>>         </plugin>
>>>> And I set up the properties described on the IDEA plugin page
>>>> [] to
>>>> exclude the target directory and include the generated source
>>>> directory.
>>>>      <!-- IDEA Settings.  Needed for XMLBeans -->
>>>>      <>false</>

>>>> I also tried specifying just "xmlbeans-source" for the
>>>> maven.idea.generated.source property, but that did not work
>>>> either.  Any suggestions?  Thank you!
>>>> Frederick N. Brier
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