Alan D. Salewski wrote:
Sure, maven can do this. In fact, any project that contains multiple
subprojects (which would include any project that produces more than a
single artifact) is probably organized to take advantage of the feature.

Basically, you declare your common dependencies (specifying version
numbers, etc) in the 'dependencyManagement' section of a pom.xml file
that your subproject builds reference as their "parent" (and override
settings as necessary). The subproject builds declare their dependencies
in the 'dependencies' section of their pom.xml files, and get the
version specified in the parent pom.xml.

Google for 'dependencyManagement', and you should find everything you
need to get this going.
Sounds very promising. But this does not appear to be implemented by the 'ant tasks for maven' which is what I am using at present (conversion of all of our ant scripts to maven is likely to take a long time). Any clues on how I would go about adding the support?

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