On 7/17/07, John Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have developed a plugin that filters js and jsp files to customize
them prior to packaging.

The filtering possibilities provided by the maven-war-plugin aren't sufficient?

IMO, filtering should be an abstract mechanism, as implemented in Ant,
with customizable filters. That would most possibly have saved you 50%
of the job or more.

I was going to bind the plugin to the package phase but it would make

No, that doesn't make sense. Use the generate-resources phase, write
the filtered result to a directory below target and add that directory
as a resource to the maven-war-plugin's configuration.

The plugin also expects 2 parameters, these being the source directory
and the target directory.

Use meaningful defaults like

   expression="${myplugin.srcdir" default="src/main/myplugin"


"Besides, manipulating elections is under penalty of law, resulting in
a preventative effect against manipulating elections.

The german government justifying the use of electronic voting machines
and obviously  believing that we don't need a police, because all
illegal actions are forbidden.


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