
i have  strange classLoader problem. I use maven, eclipse and jetty. 

i want to write a functional test with htmlunit, something like shown here 


i start a jetty container with

        private static Server startServer ( ) throws Exception
                // 0 means assign any free port
                Server server = new Server(0);
                server.addHandler(new WebAppContext("target/myproject", ""));
                // getLocalPort returns the port that was actually assigned
                port = server.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort();
                return server;

jetty starts up fine. 
but now i want to get the WebApplicationContext from the spring like this 

    WebAppContext jettyCtx = (WebAppContext) server.getHandler();
    ServletContext sc = jettyCtx.getServletHandler().getServletContext();
    String key = WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE;
    WebApplicationContext ctx = (WebApplicationContext) sc.getAttribute(key);

it prints:
  class org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext
and throws then a 
But XmlWebApplicationContext IS A WebApplicationContext, so it SHOULD be 

The problem is, that i have all my maven dependencies on the classpath (either 
running from mvn test or inside eclipse), but jetty seems to use a different 
classLoader which loads the classes from WEB-INF/lib

So the XmlWebApplicationContext is from target/WEB-INF/lib ClassLoader and is 
in a different "class Loader hierarchie"?? 

I dont understand much of classloaders. but if i delete all jar files from 
WEB-INF/lib, it works fine. I know this question is not directly related to 
maven but i don't have any clue how to fix it and where to ask.

I want my testcase to try to load its classes from target/WEB-INF/lib falling 
back to maven dependencies.

How can i manipulate the classLoader at runtime and advise it to look first in 
WEB-INF/lib ?

any help is very appreciated

kind regards,

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