Christian, thanks for your help.

This is a situation where an artifact is not workable... this might be too much 
to ask but can you give me an idea how I might use metadata to solve my problem?

Ultimately I must pass a file location to an Ant task... 


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Gruber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 7, 2007 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: getting relative paths maven + continuum

Yes - I thought it might be this.  You can't do that and expect continuum to 
understand it.  In fact, continuum checked out your child projects into their 
own folders that have no relation to the parent.  There's literally no way to 
know what to set that property to.

If you have things in the parent that are necessary to the children, then you 
need to make sure they are available to the children either through metadata, 
or by being included in an artifact (jar) that the children have access to.

You haven't "configured things incorrectly" - your project design is 
problematic, because it makes the assumption that your folder structure is 
constant.  With maven, you should not make that assumption.  With continuum, 
you cannot make that assumption.


On Aug 7, 2007, at 11:45 AM, brad hadfield wrote:

> Thanks Emmanuel,
> I have a property with a path that looks like ${basedir}/../../../ 
> core-parent/trunk/
> If I use the variable ${basedir} by running maven from the command 
> line the location looks like: C:\CIProjects\ProjectsMain\
> But when I run the build in Continuum the Maven variable ${basedir} is 
> indicated as C:\Continuum\apps\continuum\webapp\WEB-INF\working-
> directory\21
> Obviously I've configured something incorrectly...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: August 7, 2007 11:27 AM
> Subject: Re: getting relative paths maven + continuum
> Continuum doesn't build projects directly. It start maven in the right 
> directory then maven do the build and Continuum look at the output and 
> the result.
> Can you add more details about your problem?
> Emmanuel
> brad hadfield a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I am a new maven and continuum user.  I'm having problems setting a 
>> relative path because when continuum runs maven it interprets 
>> variables such as ${base.dir} differently than when I run maven from 
>> the project directory.  I assume this is because continuum starts 
>> maven in a web app working directory.  Is there a way to get 
>> continuum to start maven in the project directory?
>> Thanks for any help you can offer.
>> Brad

christian gruber + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + mob 410.900.0796 + mob2
process coach and architect + ISRÁFÍL CONSULTING SERVICES

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