I haven't performed a complete, in-depth historical analysis of every
thread involving compiler defaults to find all the discussions of this
issue, but here are 2 email threads you can refer to...

from   David Smith <>
to   users@maven.apache.org
date  May 4, 2007 9:46 AM
subject  Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3
(specifically, my email to paul g)

from   Brett Porter <>
date  Jul 6, 2006 8:36 PM
subject  [discuss] Java 5
(a lengthy discussion on moving Maven2 to Jdk5 -- note this is the dev list)

When considering the "compiler defaults should be my current JDK
version" issue, there are a lot of other things to consider. Please
read my response to Paul in particular and think about all the issues
before simply assuming Maven should work the way you expected.


On 8/16/07, Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wayne Fay wrote:
> > This has been discussed several times on this list.
> Sorry, I haven't found these discussions, neihter by searching for
> "compiler defaults" nor by searching for "byte code [version]"
> > IMO, the default compilation target being 1.1 (or another hard-defined
> > version) meets the rule of least surprise. You can argue that you
> > don't like 1.1 and you'd prefer 1.3 or even 1.5 but that is another
> > discussion.
> >
> > In contrast, the rule of most surprise would be "my build changes when
> > I change my JDK" or "my build changes when I build things on different
> > machines". This is the absolute worst thing you can run into when
> > trying to standardize and control your build process.
> I disagree on that. For me it is not surprising at all that my build
> changes when I use a different compiler. At the contrary, under certain
> cirumstances I'd expect this and would be surprised if the build (or the
> result) would not change.
> When the build produces the same results in different environments, this
> can lead to hard-to-find problems later on. I still think it would be
> better if the Maven compiler would produce byte code matching the
> version of the JDK Maven is running with. That's what I expect when I do
> a javac call and I don't see why Maven should silently change this
> behaviour.
> While this is not such a big issue (any JVM equal to or greater than 1.1
> can indeed exectute JVM 1.1 byte code and the cases where real problems
> occur might be rare) the source=1.3 default really surprises the user.
> When I create a new project and build it on Maven with a 1.5 JDK
> expecting Java 5 features to work, I get error messages like "generics
> are not supported in -source 1.3" and do not know where that comes from.
> At least that is not very user friendly and I suppose Maven wants to be
> user friendly and easy to use.
> > If you want to target a specific JDK, then simply add the compiler
> > configuration in your poms. If you feel this has not been documented
> > sufficiently,
> I did not say that *this* is not documented sufficiently, I did say that
> the defaults aren't documented at all.
> > then post a RFE in Jira and someone will add some text
> > to the proper page(s) on the site.
> Done. http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCOMPILER-57
> --
> Gisbert Amm
> Softwareentwickler Infrastruktur
> Brauerstraße 48 · D-76135 Karlsruhe
> Tel. +49-721-91374-4224 · Fax +49-721-91374-2740
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] · http://www.web.de/
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