
I'm the author of the maven-buildnumber-plugin and have a few questions.

On 5-Aug-07, at 4:42 AM, Antony Stubbs wrote:

The problem with Mavin buildnumber plugin, is that it isn't synced with the
build number repository.

Can you clarify? I'm not sure what you mean at all. Do you mean you can't get the source code for the plugin, for the released versions? Or do you mean that the buildnumber isn't the same as the one in your own svn repo? Maybe you don't have doUpdate=true specified in your config (I can assure you will it grab the desired revision number if configured correctly).

Also you can use
http://commons.ucalgary.ca/projects/maven-buildnumber-plugin/ plugin but
seems having it working requires a lot of manual work, due missing
versions on the repositories of the components listed in the

Again, can you specify which ones? I'm not aware of any. It should work exactly as it says in the docs, without any manual dependency work whatsoever. But if you let me know the problems, I can fix them. (There were some problems of this nature before it's first release, but that was in January).

Here is the correct URL, btw.


Thanks and best,


Julian Wood
Web, E-Mail, and Middleware Services
University of Calgary Information Technologies,
2500 University Drive, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
(403) 220-5868

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