You can also use
mvn project-info-reports:dependencies
That will generate an html page with the dependency tree in the target/site directory. That should make it a little easier to figure out where transitive dependencies are coming from.

Erez Nahir wrote:
Thanks Larry for the prompt and detailed reply.

The strange thing is that maven debug info (and the dependencies reports) shows only the dependency on 1.2.14, it does not list who uses 1.2.12 (I figured it out by searching the poms in my local repository).

Anyway, I'll give it a try.


BTW, this is on maven 2.0.7

Larry Suto wrote:
There are a few ways:  mvn -X will give you the debug output and will
show the transitive that are brought in by the main dependencies,
though I found this to be a bit tricky to preferred way is
too find the jars in my project(s) that mvn bundles a pom.xml in...if
you look ar the pom.xmls in these jars you will find the dependencies
they are bringing then need to declare the jar as a
dependency in the pom.xml in the particular artifact you want this
excluded in and add  <excludes><excludes> only groupId and
artifactId inside here...</exclude></excludes> inside the dependency
declaration  or you can add the tag in the jar plugin config that
excludes the pom.xml if you have control over the build...then you
dont have to worry about this stuff

On 8/25/07, Larry Suto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are a few ways.  mvn -X will give you debug output

On 8/25/07, EN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We have a multi module project:
parent - pom, dependencyManagement
  proj1 - jar
  proj2 - jar
  proj3 - war

Although we use log4j 1.2.14, our proj3.war file contains log4j 1.2.12 which probably added by maven as transitive dependency of one of our dependencies
(activemq-parent-4.1.1.pom or commons-logging-1.1.pom).

How can I force maven to package only log4j 1.2.14?

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