Hi all,

I ran into something strange while using the Maven Ant Tasks (2.0.7).
My Ant build now includes a POM which refers to a parent POM.

If I have the parent POM available in my local repository everything
works fine. If not, then the build fails because it can't download the
parent POM. (If I use Maven instead of Maven Ant Tasks then it works

My settings.xml contains the remote repository's location and my
build.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant" default="build">
  <target name="build">
    <typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
        <pathelement location="lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.0.7.jar"/>
    <artifact:pom id="maven.project" file="pom.xml"/>
    <artifact:dependencies verbose="true"
      <pom refid="maven.project"/>
      <artifact:remoteRepository id="remote"

Firstly, removing <artifact:remoteRepository> from build.xml fails the
build. Apparently, settings.xml is ignored?

Secondly, why doesn't it download the parent POM? It's in the same
repository as the JARs and those *are* downloaded (provided I've
installed the parent POM locally).


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