On 9/7/07, Morgovsky, Alexander (US - Glen Mills)

> I started the Derby Database server on the Continuum machine.  It is
> listening on port 1527.  In my JSP page deployed on an Application
> Server on another machine in the same network I have the code:
> Connection connection =
> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://<Continuum IP>:1527/<Continuum
> File System Database");
> However, upon accessing the JSP page I receive:
> java.sql.SQLException: java.net.ConnectException : Error connecting to
> server <ip> on port 1527 with message Connection refused: connect.

>From playing with this a bit in the past, I remember that by default
the Derby Network Server only allows connections from the same machine
it's running on.  You'll need to configure it to allow external

Google turned up this:

The Derby mailing list can probably help with related questions;
subscription info is here:  http://db.apache.org/derby/derby_mail.html


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