
According to the docs (
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/introduction.html) the
release:prepare only gets things ready for the release. (Stuff like changing
versions in the poms and running tests.) But only when you do the
release:perform are the "predefined goals" run (which default to deploy and


-- Lee

On 9/13/07, Ryan Breidenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a WAR project that contains an assembly configuration within a
> profile. (The purpose of the assembly is to create a ZIP'd version of
> the webapp that contains an embedded servlet container).
> Anyway, my assembly configuration in my POM looks like this:
> ...
> <profile>
>         <id>assembly</id>
>         <build>
>                 <plugins>
>                         <plugin>
>                                 <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>                                 <executions>
>                                         <execution>
>                                                 <phase>package</phase>
>                                                 <goals>
>                                                         <goal>attached</goal>
>                                                 </goals>
>                                                 <configuration>
>                                                         <descriptor>
> src/main/assembly/assembly.xml
>                                                         </descriptor>
>                                                 </configuration>
>                                         </execution>
>                                 </executions>
>                         </plugin>
>                 </plugins>
>         </build>
> </profile>
> When I execute mvn -Passembly package, I see the appropriate ZIP file
> created in my target directory (along with the WAR file).
> When I execute mvn -Passembly deploy, I see the ZIP file in the
> remote repository.
> However, when I try to create a release with mvn -Passembly
> release:prepare, I do *not* see the ZIP file in the remote
> repository. It is almost as if my profile is being ignored by the
> release plugin.
> Any thoughts?
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-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT leemeador.com

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