No it's not a catch 22.  I will clarify what I was saying in my other
statement.  People have exactly 2 choices when faced with a problem such as
documentation.  The first one is to say, "Boy this product is too hard for
me to learn and there isn't enough documentation, so I'll go find something
else."  The second option is to say, "Boy this product is hard, but I really
think it could help me on my product so I will learn how to use it and ask
questions on the list.  Then, because I had so much trouble starting, I will
recontribute back what I learned to the project."  No one is forcing anyone
to do anything.  That's the beauty and bane of free software.  In order for
it to be free, someone has to invest THEIR time to provide you the free
software.  If you don't like it, you can move on without losing a monetary
investment.  The bane is that because the contributers/developers aren't
usually getting paid, they have to have other jobs where they make their
living.  To demand that they make sure you get the documentation that you
want rather than keep up with regular features for others that don't need
the documentation isn't fair either.  Others like me have been fine without
the documentation, so the question is more why have some succeeded and
others failed?

It's a big short sighted to even assume that someone would say, "Go pour
through the source and write documentation."  That's also quite a bit overly
dramatic.  If I had to pour through source in order to learn how to use
Maven, I would have sucked it up and moved on.  Once again I reiterate, if
you take it step by step then you will be fine.  Ant is NOT any easier to
create a build system with.  For non multiproject builds, there is no reason
that someone shouldn't be able to read the getting started and have a webapp
up in a few minutes.  I had a webapp archetype built and up with minutes,
and that's enough for just a regular website.  All you do then, is add your
pages and content.  If you need more, then add a bit at a time.  Then if
they don't understand how it worked, go ask questions.  Simply complaining
solves nothing and makes the people doing the hard work feel unappreciated
because the product they are giving out free just doesn't seem to be enough
to make people happy.  If they had the time to really beef up the
documentation, then I'm sure they would but there is only so much you can
accomplish with limited time.

No problem Larry, constructive criticism is great feedback for a project and
no one should ever be afraid to give it, but I see all way too much people
complaining about something that people put hard work into without giving
any sort of solution on how the problem could be rectified.  How can you
expect someone to fix something if you cannot come up with a solution to the
problem yourself?  This is also besides the fact that not everyone seems to
have a problem getting started.  I've seen people get tripped up on
instructions that were written so a baby could understand them.  There is no
guarantee that if they invested the time writing all this documentation,
that people wouldn't still have questions.  People would then start
complaining that the documentation isn't kept up to date or it "sucks"
because it's not enough for them.  People are rarely ever satisfied no
matter how much you give them.

On 9/24/07, Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't this sort of a catch-22?
> People are saying "I don't get maven, it's too complex."
> Now it's time for them to give something back and document it?
> How do you propose they do that? Start at the source and pore through
> it to explain it? Saying that is sort of a cop-out, IMO.
> I think that the problem is that we have "maven in 5 minutes" and then
> the rest of the docs assume that people are experts with it - the 2
> books mentioned earlier are useful, but I think people want something
> more approachable and contextual.
> One other thing is the navigation - I find it very difficult to get
> around the maven site in any meaningful way. There are many
> inter-dependent concepts and components, and each area's documentation
> assumes that the reader understands the other areas. For a beginner,
> that is rarely if ever the case.
> I'm not trying to add the rants, just provide some constructive criticism.
> Larry
> On 9/24/07, Michael McCallum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 25 September 2007 01:10, Ryan Moquin wrote:
> > > If people are build their core infrastructure around Maven to the
> point
> > > where they feel like they should give the project developers a hard
> time
> > > due to something as simple as documentation, don't you think then that
> it's
> > > time to contribute?
> > I concur wholeheartedly...
> >
> > --
> > Michael McCallum
> > Enterprise Engineer
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
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