On Thu, September 27, 2007 12:29 pm, Michael McCallum wrote:

> <rant>
> How about you pay me and i'll do it... I don't get people who bitch and
> complain about stuff that really works if you can be arsed to actually try
> to
> figure it out. People have done all this work mostly for free... the least
> you could do is write a little bit of documentation where you have
> something
> of your own to share!
> </rant>

The idea that "it's free, what do you expect? quality?" undermines
confidence in both maven and open source in general, and this doesn't do
the maven project any favours at all.

Open source software is no way immune to criticism just because it is
free. Criticism is useful, as it highlights areas where the code is not up
to scratch, and shows where developers should be focusing their attention.


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