On 12/11/07, Kallin Nagelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As much 'fun' as developing enterprise java applications with Maven is, I
> would like to think that developing games with Maven would be even better
> :)

It does sound fun... I've never gotten into game development much myself.

I'm hoping to convince the jMonkeyEngine project to let me mavenize their
> project, and in the process create a game archetype supporting 3d
> acceleration, sound, input, etc.

Why convince them? Just do it. I've never seen an oss project that won't
take a submission that makes their lives easier.

I think it would be great to get a game-dev
> environment up and running with one maven command, as all the existing
> tutorials are complex and error prone.

"all" of them, eh? Careful, buddy, many people on this list wrote those

I thought I'd mention it on this list
> to see if there's any interest in such a project, or if anyone has tried
> anything like it so far.

Not to my knowledge - go for it.

Eric Redmond

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