Sorry this is not much help, but I haven't had good luck with getting the release plugin to update my snapshot dependencies either. So I always update them manually before doing a release. If you can create a jira issue for this (in the release plugin project) and attach a small test project to reproduce the problem, I'm sure someone will get around to take a look at this.

alexsil wrote:
Hi all,
I have a project so structured:

au --------  au-business
         |---  au-sistema

Dependencies in au are:

        <!--  external dependencies-->

Dependencies in au-business are:

Dependencies in au-sistema are:

When I make a mvn release:clean release:prepare  the plugin, correctly, ask
me to resolve SNAPSHOTs dependencies. (framework-business && framework-sistema)
Unfortunatly at the end of the process only framework-sistema has been
modified, while framework-business no.
I've debuged the problem and I found that if I force the two dependencies
(framework-sistema, framework-business) in the parent pom (pom of "au") all
run fine (also if the process to resolve SNAPSHOT dependencies get prompted
tree times ...  too much I say ...).
Is this the correct behavior ? I hope no, becouse I should modify al my poms.

Morever , the flag "updateDependencies=false" doesn't run. I think it has
not managed.

Best regards

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