
we have a few project here using maven 1. They become difficult to maintain when it come to using new plugins that are not available for maven 1. So we thought it might be time to switch to maven 2. Question is, considering about all projects are using preGoal/postGoal and personalized rules in maven.xml, what should i do with them? I read there is no equivalent of maven.xml, i need to use a plugin. Can I sort of embbed that plugin with the project that use it, or do i need to create a separate plugin project for each of our maven.xml, compile and deploy those plugin change everytime before compiling the main project (with maven 1, changes to maven.xml were immediate)? Also if someone can point me to documentation about converting that maven.xml to a plugin, it'll be great. Documentation here http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-m1-m2.html , section "what to do with maven.xml" point to error page (the pages seems to have been removed from maven site :( )

example of such task of maven.xml here is, we have a project X that is a webapp. In a subdirectory of that webapp we need to copy all ressources of another project Y, and we need to merge the struts and web.xml configs (we use a xslt processor for that). Am not sure how easy that can be transfered to a plugin...

David Delbecq
Institut Royal Météorologique

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