> Hi everybody,
> I'm new to maven. I have a simple question that I can't find an answer 
> anywhere:
> I want to include additional classes in the classpath while compiling my 
> project
> but I can't find any
> obvious solution for this.
> - The classes I want to include can not be installed in a maven repository
> - I tried the compiler plugin by adding
>            <fork>true</fork>
>                 <compilerArguments>
>                         <classpath>myDic/classes</classpath>
>                 </compilerArguments>
> but this doesn't seem to work.
Normally, you put classes into a jarfile, install it in a repository
with a suitable groupId and artifactId, then declare that jar as a
dependency in your pom. Why can't the classes be put into a maven
repository in your case?

Regards, Simon

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