Hello there:

I've been using maven-eclipse-plugin v2.4 (a customized version that I compiled for version'ed project support). It's been working well. Can you share your EAR's and WAR/JAR pom.xml? I'm not sure why you are having this issue.

One thing to be careful, for RAD/Eclipse and WTP 1.5, is to use "eclipse:rad" mojo of maven-eclipse-plugin. When you generate your WTP resources, issue "mvn eclipse:rad" command. I've noticed that using the default "eclipse:eclipse" or "eclipse:m2eclipse" mojo won't do a good job of generating WTP resources that are RAD/Eclipse friendly.

Later on, through RAD/Eclipse, using M2Eclipse plugin, I then enable the "Dependancy Management" for all the projects, which gives me the Maven Library container. You have to ensure to perform "Update Source" path through M2Eclipse plugin after you enable "Dependancy Management" for a project.

I must admit that I have to tweak the component files for some JAR projects but that's because developers aren't coding the pom.xml properly. Other than that it seems to work well.

I'm attaching maven-eclipse-plugin for my project.  Hope it helps..

The root pom.xml contains the following maven-eclipse-plugin config:

<!-- maven-eclipse-plugin -->





    <!-- should be enabled only for WARs and EJB-JAR modules

<!-- maven-eclipse-plugin -->

My EAR pom.xml is as follows

             <!-- <Class-Path/>-->
<!-- Let Maven generate Class-Path from listed dependencies -->

<!-- maven-eclipse-plugin override for EAR -->


<!-- maven-eclipse-plugin -->

WAR pom.xml:

    <!-- maven-eclipse-plugin overrides for WAR -->


   <!-- maven-eclipse-plugin -->

Salman Moghal

----- Original Message ----- From: "qnob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@maven.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: maven-eclipse-plugin 2.4 & versioned projects

Hi again,

here my plugin configuration. Actually, it's the example given by the post
of Salman. I've added new version of the eclipse plugin and uncommented a
part I didn't understand if need it. Though, I tried versioned projects too.

<!-- addVersionToProjectName>true</addVersionToProjectName>









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