I use the antrun plugin for copying files around and such. You just put in
the ant equivalent to your xml, which shouldn't be much different from what
you have.

-- Lee

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:58 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> While tomcat is running, I would like to move some files from my source
> folder to my tomcat/webapps/myproject folder - in case I altered these files
> - by calling some plugin and or goal.
> Using Maven 1, we had a custom goal for this:
>  <goal name="jspdeploy">
>    <copy overwrite="false" todir="${basedir}/tomcat/webapps/myproject">
>      <fileset dir="${pom.getPluginContext
> ('maven-war-plugin').getVariable('maven.war.src')}">
>        <include name="**/*.jsp"/>
>        <include name="**/*.inc"/>
>        <include name="**/*.gif"/>
>      <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
>       <include name="**/*.png"/>
>        <include name="**/*.js"/>
>        <include name="**/*.css"/>
>       <include name="**/*.pdf"/>
>       <include name="**/*.html"/>
>      </fileset>
>    </copy>
>  </goal>
> Now when using Maven 2, I've read custom goals using jelly are not
> supported by Maven 2 - one should create a custom plugin instead. Is this
> really necessary in this case? I guess there must be some plugin doing just
> the same job without having to develop a custom plugin. I tried mvn
> resources:resources, but this didn't work.
> Any ideas? I am helpless!!! :-(((
> Thanks in advance - your help's greatly appreciated!!!
> Stefanie
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-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT leemeador.com

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