mvn dependency:tree

(if it complains about plugin not existing try -U)

On Tue, 06 May 2008 04:16:10 Baeriswyl Kuno - Extern (IT-BA-MV) wrote:
> Hello!
> I need to know if there exists a tool that resolves all child-parent
> relationships for Maven2. More precisely, I want to know which artefacts
> depend on a given artefact.
> Example: A -> B,   B -> C and D -> C
> For the example above, I want a tool that shows me A,B and D for the given
> artefact C.
> All the tools I've found, like dependency:tree Mojo or JFrog Dependeny
> Analyser, resolve the parent-child relationships only. I know that Archiva,
> a Maven Repository, does resolve the first degree of child-parent
> relationship, however, I don't want to introduce this tool just because of
> this nice feature. Further more, I'd like to have resolved the whole tree.
> Thanks for your input.
> Kuno

Michael McCallum
Development Lead
Ferrit Ltd
cell: 021.576.907
aim: gholamses

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