The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Shade Plugin, version 1.1

This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in a uber- jar, including its dependencies and to shade - i.e. rename - the packages of some of the dependencies.

You can specify the plugin version in your project's plugin configuration:

This release includes several bug fixes and other improvements:

** Bug
* [MSHADE-23] - ${basedir} is wrong after running shade plugin
* [MSHADE-24] - Use proper file encoding when generating dependency reduced POM * [MSHADE-25] - Use proper encoding when reading/writing component descriptor * [MSHADE-26] - Fix case-insensitive string comparisions in resource transformers
* [MSHADE-29] - Documentation has invalid xml
* [MSHADE-31] - When promoteTransitiveDependencies=true, all <exclusions> are stripped from the dependency-reduced-pom * [MSHADE-34] - Shade includes both .jar and -test.jars when only the .jar was needed

** Improvement
* [MSHADE-27] - Allow to configure file encoding for processing of NOTICE file * [MSHADE-28] - Add full support for glob patterns in relocator exclusions

-The Maven team

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