On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Tomek Maciejewski
> P.S
> I have one more question. Let's assume that I deployed some artifact.
> Some people have used it so they have copy of it in local repository.
> Now I change something in artifact and deploy it with the same version
> number. Will all the people which have a copy of previous version in
> local repository still use old version, or maybe maven will see that
> there is a new version of this library (with the same version number
> as previous) and automatically download it from remote repository
> during the building?

It's possible to force maven to reload dependencies, see
But it's a very bad idea.
If you release something with given version number, then, if
you need to make a fix, release new version and let users know,
that they should change version in  their projects, not
're-download' artifacts from repositories.
I do not know for sure but I think that repository managers
(archiva, nexus) will not 're-download' your 're-released' projects
if you do such a trick.
Also - perhaps this will help:


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