Thanks for that.

I will copy these over to the main site as well. Would you kindly tell me what to copy (being a non-Debian myself) and what installation instructions to put on the main site.

Cheers again


On May 17, 2005, at 11:44, Søren Hansen wrote:


I finally got round to building some Debian packages of Mbuni.
You can add the following line to your sources.list:

deb ./

* creates an mbuni user
* creates a spool directory in /var/spool
* creates a log directory in /var/log
* installs a sample configuration file in /etc/mbuni
* contains an init.d script

So now mbuni is just and `apt-get install mbuni` away. Have fun!

Within the next couple of days I'll probably add some sort of automated
build process that will generate a binary package of the CVS snapshot.

Also coming up: Debian packages of the patched amr-decoder, a patched
kannel and other relevant goodies.

Søren Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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