Hi Ian,

 Perhaps we could move this discussion to the devel list after this?

 I notice some problems with the MIME being sent:
- The multipart/mixed parts appear a bit messed up. You have a multipart/mixed inside another one, and the inner one declares the same boundaries as the outer one (bad!). You never close the outer one either! Looks like that library is following its own MIME spec! - The last part of the multipart/mixed contains text, but there is no new line between the end of the MIME headers and the start of the body as is required by the MIME spec.

I took the liberty of cleaning up the MIME little bit (attached), and it works perfectly for me.

I have to say that I would struggle greatly if I were required to use only polite words to describe my experiences with Nokia's MMS libraries! Best to test with the OpenWave's, Ericsson's or NowMMS's application.

That said, mmsproxy should never crash, even on bad input. If you can trace the mmsproxy function mm7soap_dispatch() in GDB and tell me where it crashes and why, that would be a great help.


Attachment: t.m
Description: Binary data

On Sep 21, 2005, at 21:49, Ian Cass wrote:

defender:/etc/exim# mmsproxy -v 1 /etc/mbuni/mbuni.conf
2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = <none>,
log_lvl = 0
2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0]
INFO: ----------------------------------------
2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0] INFO: Mbuni MMSC Proxy version cvs starting
2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0] INFO: Added logfile
`/var/log/mbuni/mmsgw.log' with level `0'.
2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0] INFO: Started access logfile
2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 8191. 2005-09-21 19:35:13 [29055] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 8888.
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:2332:
seems_valid_real: Assertion `ostr->size >= 0' failed. (Called from
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: mmsproxy(gw_panic+0x1a9) [0x808c5f1]
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: mmsproxy [0x8094368]
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: mmsproxy(octstr_destroy+0x24)
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: mmsproxy [0x8059088]
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: mmsproxy [0x8058fbe]
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: mmsproxy [0x8081308]
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: /lib/libpthread.so.0 [0x40189f3c]
2005-09-21 19:35:20 [29060] [4] PANIC: /lib/libc.so.6(__clone+0x5a)

This happens when I send MM7 from the Nokia Java MMS API. What further
information should I send?

The MM7 is as follows:-

SOAPAction: ""
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/xml";
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0rc1
Host: defender:8888
Content-Length: 6768

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Id: <77B3A6916A96A274A559B184FFD654FB>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/ envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="http:// www.w3.org/2
  <ns1:TransactionID soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xsi:type="xsd:string"
xmlns:ns1="http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/23_series/23.140/ schema/REL
xmlns="http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/23_series/23.140/ schema/REL-5-M
<RFC2822Address displayOnly="false">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</ RFC2822Address>
     <Number displayOnly="false">447712184854</Number>
   <Content allowAdaptations="true"
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Id: <11AF5BEEB7835F3721F3E26972ECECF6>

Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Id: <11AF5BEEB7835F3721F3E26972ECECF6>

Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Location: bridge.jpg
Content-Id: id_1

<snipped some binary content>

Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Id: id_2
Hi! Look at these pictures and unicode chars.

Ian Cass

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