
 On the 15 minutes issue, this is the default queue run interval if you do not set one (see doc). I have lowered that to 1 minute  -- a bit more realistic :)
 On the issue of no service dispatch, you need to let me have a look at the log to see if there is a problem. Are you also not seeing any traffic on  the web server for the URL you specify?


On Apr 16, 2006, at 16:27, Davor Spasoski wrote:



After a couple of weeks playing with mbuni in the role of vasgw (mmsbox) I managed to comprehend the way it works and fix some problems that were preventing its proper operation. However I still have some misteries:

  1. Can anybody confirm that has managed to actually make work an MMS service for incoming MMS when running the mmsbox? I can clearly see in debug mode that mmsbox is receiving the content and the headers properly, yet no service is invoked.
    Here’s my configuration:
                            group = core

log-file = /vas/logs/mbuni/mmsgw.log

access-log = /vas/logs/mbuni/access.log

log-level = 0


group = mbuni

name = "COSMO MMSGW"

#hostname = testgw.cosmofon.mts

max-send-threads = 5

storage-directory = /vas/storage/mbuni

sendmms-port = 10003


group = mmsc

id = cosmote

mmsc-url = ""http://w.x.y.z:50700">http://w.x.y.z:50700"

incoming-username = foo

incoming-password = bar

incoming-port = 40701

type = eaif


group = send-mms-user

username = bulk

password = bulk

faked-sender = +1400/TYPE=PLMN


group = mms-service

name = me

#post-url = "" href="http://localhost/photoblog.php">http://localhost/photoblog.php

text = "Mamo, nikoash nema da se m'zham"

#exec = lynx -dump "http://localhost:4004/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=bulk&password=bulk&from=1234&to=075409152&text=Eve"

catch-all = true

#http-post-parameters = fx=true&images[]=%i&text[]=%t

accept-x-mbuni-headers = true

keyword = test

  1. All MMS I submit via the http interface are first stored in a queue and then sent to the MMSC after 15 minutes. If this is normal, than I wonder if this is a good choice, since this is inhibiting the speed. Can somebody explain the queueing/sending mechanism?
  2. Is there a need for content adaptation on the vasgw side, or the MMSC will handle that?



Davor Spasoski


COSMOFON - Mobile Telecommunications Services - A.D. Skopje
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