Le 11/29/12 5:16 AM, Dhruv Chopra a écrit :
> So I tried acquiring the lock (added a new session attribute in
> sessionCreated as suggested) when the encoder A starts encoding and unlock
> after encoder B has written its output. However that didn't fix the
> problem. In fact I then also some exceptions where a thread was trying to
> unlock a resource it didn't own. I suppose it means that its not guaranteed
> that the same thread will encode a message through all the filters.
> Finally I synchronized the method that writes to a session in IoHandler
> itself and the problem appears to have gone. I was able to do its since I
> was already maintaining a wrapper around each IoSesion for some business
> logic - and everywhere I needed to write to a session, it was going through
> this wrapper.

Ok, cool to see you have found a workaround. Altough it might be a
contention point...

It would be interesting for us to be able to have a reproductible
example we can play with, if you can provide it (of course, with all the
business part removed).
Is that something possible ?

Emmanuel Lécharny

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