
i am trying to reach a pc through an ssh tunnel. i have an established ssh
Connection between 2 PC, now i want to reach a third pc in an local Network
behind my second PC.

I've tried:

ClientSessionData data =
SshProxyServer.getInstance().findClientSessionDescription( i_address, 22,
false );

data.startForwarding( 4910, "", 22 );

at this Point everything is fine and i can acces the third PC, now i want to
cut the Connection and reconnect

data.stopForwarding( 4910);
data.startForwarding( 4910, "", 22 );

^here i get an error "adress already in use", but i cannot understand why ?

in a different case i use 
data.startForwarding( 8081, localhost, 8081 );
data.stopForwarding( 8081);
data.startForwarding( 8081, localhost, 8081 );

and everything works fine.

Thanks for helping

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