I've found a way to combine components to new tags.

There was already some discussion on a similar topic:

My first approach was to write a tag file (JSP 2.0) like
(this is a non-working short-sample):

file: inWithLabel.tag

<%@ attribute name="label" %>
<%@ attribute name="value" %>
<%@ attribute name="binding" %>

  <t:label value="${label}">
  <t:in value="${value}" binding="${binding}">

The first tests with "label" and "value" run well.
But I found a big problem: If I want more advanced features like "binding" I have a problem: If the binding is not set the container will call setBinding("") with an empty string, which is not allowed.

So I write the Tag by hand:
int doStartTag() {
  PanelTag panel = new PanelTag();
You can see a real sample here:

advantage of tag as java class:
  * Works with JSP 1.2
  * not need rtexpression (JSP EL) inside of JSF tags, which is in
    common not allowed.
  * setter only will be called, if the value != null

advantage of tag file:
  * the tag file looks much more tidy



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